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The Here We Are Story - past, present and future

CH1-003 - Cairndow Hotel (1810-1847)

Dugald Paul Innkeeper 1810 – 1847 approx.

Dugald Paul had tack of Cairndow Inn & Lands adjacent

Information from Argyll Estate Records. –

photo of Dugald Paul, Innkeeper

The following letter was sent to Colinel Callander of Craigforth, Stirling

Dugald Paul information

Snuff Box was presented to Dugald Paul, being, as the inscription bears, a mark of respect and esteem from a few friends in Inveraray and the neighbourhood. Mr. Paul in a very neat and appropriate speech, to which the venerable landlord made a most feeling reply, his utterance being oftener than once impeded by a burst of tears, testifying unequivocally how warmly and gratefully he felt this mark of attention on the part of his kind friends. Mr. Paul, we understand, is one of the oldest innkeepers in that district, having been upwards of thirty-five years in his present premises, and is a man universally esteemed and beloved, and one who has earned the good-ill of thousands of tourists. From and Old Newspaper Report

photo of snuff box presented to Dugald Paul

Part of a description of a wedding in Cairdow Inn –

From The Poetical works of Andrew Park.

This is from a digital copy of a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by google as part of a project to make the worlds books discoverable on line.  It has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain.

Auld Dugald Paul

Auld Dugald Paul keeps an inn at Cairndow,

A cantie auld karl the seldem gets fou,

Though whiles he may taste when his stomach gets canl?

He’s a decent auld bodie – that’s auld Dugald Paul.

Though his fine Sunday-blacks be fu’ bare at the knees;

Though his coat-neck and pouch-lids be glancing wi’ grease;

Though his nose be al’ ruddy, his pow getting haul

Yet he’s hearty and h…? that’s auld Dugald Paul

Last simmer auld Dugald had gane out to dine,

And coming hame cantie, drapt into Lochfine;

The fishermen pu’d what they thought a right haul.

When out o’ the net loupit – auld Dugald Paul

The fishermen fled, for they thought that Auld Nick

Had come up from the bottom to play them some trick;

When out gasp’d a voice ay as lood’s it could bawl,

My certesl? Ye’ve saved me – I’m auld Dugald Paul

Quote from Journal of a Tour of Scotland, 1819, Robert Southey

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