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The Here We Are Story - past, present and future

PE-000 - Power Exhibition

In 2005 HWA raised funds to research and put on an  exhibition on the local history of power – a water mill, a 1905 micro hydro turbine for the mansion house and the great Hydro board schemes of the 1950’s (three of which ) used water from within our locality. And we audited all the energy – domestic and industrial – currently used here.

“Our Power” project aims-

  • to examine past and present use of energy in Cairndow
  • to reduce our carbon emissions and to try to establish Cairndow as a low carbon community
  • to explore the possibility of generating power here with general benefit to the community and HWA, including a revenue stream
  • to encourage the community, “empowering” us to be more in control  and to be able to do things for ourselves

During the research for the exhibition we:

  • Worked with local primary schools – sourcing energy monitors and conducting competitions on as to which house hold was able to reduce their energy use the most over a period of weeks.
  • We were presented with an S cube by Scottish Power which we used for demonstration at the centre.
  • We were presented with a wind turbine by Amec to demonstrate and stimulate discussion on domestic energy use.
  • We took the findings from the local energy audit to an exhibition in the village hall.

Then we began to think: “What could we do for ourselves? Could we actually generate renewable energy here ourselves?”

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