1083 - Ardkinglas Old House (1906)
Ardkinglas Old House Physical Description: Black And White Photograph Subject: Ardkinglas Old House Notes: The Old House of Ardkinglas which were the stables of a… Read More »1083 – Ardkinglas Old House (1906)
Ardkinglas Old House Physical Description: Black And White Photograph Subject: Ardkinglas Old House Notes: The Old House of Ardkinglas which were the stables of a… Read More »1083 – Ardkinglas Old House (1906)
Stables The Square Physical Description: Colour Photograph Subject: The Square, Stables, Back Shed
Chestnut Tree in Stable Field Physical Description: Black And White Photograph Subject: Woods, Chestnut, stable field
The Square Physical Description: Colour Photograph Subject: The Square, The Stables, Hay Shed, Dove Coop, Buildings
The Square Physical Description: Colour Photograph Subject: The Square, Stable Cottage, Houses, Buildings
The Square Physical Description: Colour Photograph Subject: The Square, Buildings, The Stables, Dove Coop
The Square Physical Description: Colour Photograph Subject: The Square, Buildings, The Stables
The Square Physical Description: Colour Photograph Subject: The Square, Buildings, The Stables, Stable Cottage
The Square Physical Description: Colour Photograph Subject: The Square, The Stables, Pig Sty, Building
The Square Physical Description: Colour Photograph Subject: The Square, The Stables, Door, Building