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The Here We Are Story - past, present and future

1219 - Cairndow Hall

Village Hall

Physical Description: Colour Photograph

Subject: Village Hall

2 thoughts on “1219 - Cairndow Hall”

  1. I am looking for a venue for Argyll Quilters and Stitchers to hold an Argyll Area Day on Saturday 26th October 10 till 4pm. The ladies bring a packed lunch. We would need to use kitchen facilities for tea/coffee making. Some may opt to go to The Inn. Numbering 25 ladies and we usually have a trader selling quilting supplies. I see from a photo that the hall is the size of a badminton court. The plan for the day is a corners exercise where 4 activities are offered and the groups rotate tables after an hour at each.
    I look forward to your reply
    Kind regards
    Argyll Area Rep
    Region 16
    The Quilters Guild of the British Isles

    1. Hello Rosemary,
      Very sorry for not replying to you long before now. I hope you managed to get a venue for your event, maybe you contacted the village hall?
      Kind regards

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